Galeries du Diamant

Galeries du Diamant
Summary Packages Portfolio
Naked is the intelligent new way to buy a diamond.
At GD a diamond is pure and honest. No brand name increases its cost. No middleman takes his cut. Our diamonds are simply complemented by a bespoke design - working out of our stunning studios in Paris we collaborate with you to turn your vision into reality. We partner you with talented jewellery designers to bring your design to life and then meticulously hand craft your jewellery to create a unique piece that is as true to you as your own fingerprint. Our made to measure service, is a unique three step process that gives our clients a beautiful setting, alongside HRD certification of quality and authenticity from Antwerp and the Belgian government. We are HRD’s flagship store in Paris. We describe our service as naked and it’s how we give our clients the biggest possible diamond for their investment.
Wedding rings
Wedding rings
Wedding rings